Daily Archives: May 31, 2019

Movie Review — “Godzilla: King of the Monsters,” a B-movie debacle like no other

It is to weep. At the insanity of it all — the excess, the staggering amounts of cash, the cynical actors all collecting a paycheck even though they could see the script was crap and knew a very profitable movie … Continue reading

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Documentary Review: “The Lavender Scare”

The battle for gay civil rights in the United States really began when those rights were abruptly taken away in the 1950s. President Dwight Eisenhower presided over a sweeping purge of homosexuals in the Federal government, which opened the floodgates … Continue reading

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Documentary Review: Arnold S. and the Cousteaus urge us to save the “Wonders of the Sea”

“Wonders of the Sea” is an undersea “Isn’t nature amazing?” documentary that manages to find new sights to dazzle us, decades and decades after Jacques Cousteau introduced us to “The Undersea World.” Narrator Arnold Schwarzenegger calls this film, co-directed by … Continue reading

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Preview, Is Pixar’s “Onward” the next big animated thing?

Not blown away. Yet. I mean, c’mon. It’s elves. Smurfs by any other name? March of 2020, “Onward” opens and we find out.  

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Preview, Haddish, McCarthy and Elizabeth Moss TCB in “The Kitchen”

Two of the three may be known for comedy, but put them in ’70s togs and give them a little New Yawk drug-trade dialogue, and these three just might own the streets. Looks promising. Looks like a fall thriller, which … Continue reading

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BOX OFFICE: Will “Godzilla” devour the weekend, will “Booksmart” rally, or will “Ma” have her way?

For all the years-long Internet hype around “Godzilla: King of the Monsters,” largely due to the inclusion of fanboy/girl heroine Millie Bobby Brown, the umpteenth version/incarnation/reboot in Kaiju creature features about the avenging post-Atomic dinosaur isn’t going to be anybody’s … Continue reading

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The Irishman delayed because ‘young’ Robert De Niro doesn’t look threatening enough after CGI

Interesting experiment, but casting younger versions of these screen icons isn’t impossible and is probably still the best way to do a movie like this. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/irishman-martin-scorsese-netflix-release-date-robert-de-niro-al-pacino-a8936116.html?amp

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