Daily Archives: May 8, 2019

Next Screening? Can Oscar winner Hathaway and Rebel Wilson manage “The Hustle?”

No really, I need to know. This Friday comic release is being screened late. Not that this means anything.

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Documentary Review: Is there anything left to “Ask Dr. Ruth?”

For going on forty years, Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer has done all she can to see to it that we never forget how adorable she is. A TV chat show mainstay since the cusp of the ’80s, appearances in movies, … Continue reading

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Preview: Victoria Justice, Analeigh Tipton and many others come of age on a “Summer Night”

Truthfully, the first name that leapt out at me in the cast of this July 12 release is Ellar Coltrane, whose “Boyhood” Richard Linklater put on film. A little summer romance on a “Summer Night?” Could be a good thing. … Continue reading

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Movie Review: “The Meanest Man in Texas”

“Inoffensive” isn’t the highest of praise you can heap upon a prison drama. But the faith-based biography “The Meanest Man in Texas” certainly qualifies. So let’s start from there and see where it takes us. It’s a period piece about … Continue reading

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Ryan Reynolds Leaked 100 Mesmerizing Minutes of “Detective Pikachu”

There’s a catch. And yes, it’s funnier than the movie. https://www.adweek.com/tv-video/evil-marketing-genius-ryan-reynolds-leaked-100-mesmerizing-minutes-of-detective-pikachu/

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An “Official” Led Zeppelin documentary? Who needs that?

  If the shark, depravity and rumored illegality is left out because the group doesn’t want to comment, what is the point? “Official” as in “band approved and sanctioned?” What is the point?

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Movie Review: “Tolkien” finds the “boring years” of the creator of Middle Earth

Proof that the makers of “Tolkien” probably chose the wrong parts of his story to emphasize comes the moment Derek Jacobi pops up on the screen. He’s the philologist Joseph Wright who gave the obscure and ancient languages buff J.R.R.Tolkien … Continue reading

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Woody Allen’s “last” film to earn a token European release

“Rainy Day in New York” had better be good. Because Woody Allen will probably never make and release another film. His legacy has been tarred with child sexual abuse allegations, and whether you believe the victim or wonder if this … Continue reading

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