Daily Archives: May 2, 2019

Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Design To Be Changed Following Criticism


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Preview: A Pakistani lad living in the UK, moved by the music of The Boss “BLINDED BY THE LIGHT”

Love that Gurinder Chadha. The director of “Bend it Like Beckham” got the rights to some pretty good music for this version of a true story. Damn.

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Woody Allen Pitched a Memoir. Publishers Weren’t Interested.

The New York Times says publishing houses have finally taken the Farrow family side about Woody Allen’s alleged child abise. And so it ends. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/02/movies/woody-allen-memoir.amp.html

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The Second “Deadwood: The Movie” trailer still looks like, uh, TV

Since time immemorial, this truism has ostensibly marked the difference between TeeVee and movies. Television, even “It’s not television, it’s HBO,” is a close-up medium, more about intimacy, “neck-up acting” than film, which even in the HD-bigger screen era, still … Continue reading

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Movie Review: Comedy comes to pieces in “79 Parts”

Here’s a mob comedy as patchwork as its title –– “79 Parts.” It’s a pieced-together period piece stuffed with characters, with multiple narrators and story threads, a “ticking clock” deadline or two that no one remembers and a hodgepodge of … Continue reading

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Movie Review: “Tell it to the Bees”

There’s a squishy wistfulness that hangs over “Tell It to the Bees,” a same sex romance set in small town Scotland in the 1950s. Flashes of magical realism gently but gratingly clash with drab melodrama. Winning performances by leads Anna … Continue reading

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Preview: A hurricane flooding isn’t the biggest menace in the Sam Raimi-produced “Crawl”

Kaya Scoledario and Barry Pepper star in this thriller, which captures two of the great menaces to Florida in one movie. Sam Raimi produced it. This creeper “Crawl” opens July 12.

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Movie Review: “UglyDolls” have a song in their hearts

The warning signs are there. “Uglydolls” is an animated film from a studio start-up with no history in the medium. The financing is mostly Chinese, with “The Chinese Amazon.com,” Alibaba, in a lead role. Why does that matter? Who does … Continue reading

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Morgan Freeman inspires, Greg Kinnear tries to clear an innocent man/footballer named “BRIAN BANKS”

Veteran character actor Aldis Hodge has the title role, that of an aspiring football star arrested and unjustly convicted, losing his dream and a good chunk of his life to “a broken system.” Freeman is an inmate who gives him … Continue reading

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Ryan Reynolds is selling the crap out of this Pikachu movie

So funny. So cute. So very Canadian. Pikachu uses… Foot Massage? “Detective Pokemon Character” opens May 10. https://youtu.be/bo1YKTvM2Uc

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