Daily Archives: May 17, 2021

Movie Preview: Henry Golding is the superhero/supervillain from the East– “Snake Eyes”

Teaser trailer, summer release. Eye popping.

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Movie Preview: In Red Hook, Brooklyn, they know “Good Funk”

This 2016 locals “share our stories” film makes it to video on June 8.

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Documentary Review: Newark Muslim tries to counsel teens, “Two Gods,” to better lives

If you’re Muslim and you die in Newark, chances are your body will pass through the caring hands of Hanif, a casket-maker and ritual body washer who lives and works there. Hanif is an accomplished craftsman and a member of … Continue reading

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Movie Review: Rednecks pick the wrong gay couple to torture at “The Retreat”

There are days when horror movie film school must sound like NBA practice. “The key…is ISOLATION.” Just as star players perform best when they get a one-on-one matchup with a foe, horror movies are built on villains invariably splitting up … Continue reading

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Documentary Review: The perpetrators of The Holocaust, “just following orders,” give their “Final Account”

They are ordinary people, the elderly EveryGerman you’d meet in the park feeding the birds, gathered for a kaffeeklatsch or simply reminiscing in groups in retirement homes. Their names never made it on the court dockets at Nuremberg, never gained … Continue reading

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