Daily Archives: February 14, 2019

Documentary Review: A Snowboarder communes with powder as a “Woodsrider”

“Meditative,” “contemplative” and “introspective” are the words that come to mind when weighing the merits of “Woodsrider,” a narration-free documentary about a solitary teen snowboarder camping and boarding the woods and resort trails around Mount Hood, Oregon. Any seasoned moviegoer … Continue reading

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Preview: Do you DARE watch the Red Band trailer to Brazil’s “The Cannibal Club?”

I always forget, is it “graphic sex” and “explicit violence,” or the other way around? Lots of explicit and graphic and nasty, sweaty, Type-B spattered sex and blood and “meat” turn up in this March release from Uncork’d — a … Continue reading

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Documentary Review: The Oscar nominated “Minding the Gap,” on PBS Monday

Bing Liu was just another sk8rboi, hanging with his dead-end pals in the struggling Rust Belt city of Rockford, Illinois, when he started video-taping their lives. Skating stunts, pranks, parties, good times, he was the skater whose friends would ask, … Continue reading

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Preview: You may want to party with an Oscar winner, Octavia Spencer will change your mind as “MA”

This one a lot of high school and college kids who “like to party” have lived through — the horror.

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Movie Review: “Happy Death Day 2U”

That old movie critics’ maxim — “They rarely get better.” — kind of takes it on the chin with “Happy Death Day 2U,” the winded but game sequel to 2017’s “Happy Death Day.” It starts badly. For five minutes or … Continue reading

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