Daily Archives: February 19, 2019

Next Screening? “How to Train Your Dragon 3”

Are you pumped? I know I am.

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Dear George Clooney — “Catch-22” is funny, or is supposed to be

Joseph Heller’s cynical/comical anti-war war novel was one of my favorite books as a teen. Another was “Papillon,” just so’s you know where I’m going with this. This trailer to the Hulu mini-series by George Clooney gets the darkness right, … Continue reading

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Documentary Review: The gloves are golden in the “Cradle of Champions”

Showtime slick and boxing picture predictable, “Cradle of Champions” is about the New York epicenter of Golden Gloves boxing. Journalist/director Bartle Bull picked three veterans of the annual Daily News charity event and followed them on their march towards amateur … Continue reading

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Documentary Review: Alabama teens “Wrestle” their way to adulthood in this winning documentary

    There’s a rigid formula for coming-of-age documentaries. Pick a group of disadvantaged schoolkids — dancers or mathematicians, athletes or children just desperate to be selected for the top magnet school in the region, ensuring that college is in … Continue reading

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