Daily Archives: February 12, 2019

Preview: “Tolkien” reveals the man who forged “The Lord of the Rings”

Nicholas Hoult, who has a fun turn in “The Favourite,” has the title role here — a possible “serious actor” break-out moment for him in a picture that has  prestige and fangirl/fanboy appeal built into it, sort of in that … Continue reading

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Movie Review: For this Icelandic eco-caper to come off, we need a “Woman at War”

Oh, that every dark comedy to come down the pike was as playful as “Woman at War.” It plays around with expectations, setting us up and tripping us — time and again. It toys with conventions and worn comic tropes … Continue reading

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Preview: One musician is the last Man on Earth who remembers The Beatles in Danny Boyle’s fantasy, “Yesterday”

It’s a little sci-fi, and a lot “Love Actually.” Danny Boyle directed and Richard Curtis scripted this musical romantic fable. Lily James, Ed Sheeran, Kate McKinnon and others are among the “names” that surround star Himesh Patel, who plays a … Continue reading

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Next Screening? An Icelander takes on High Tension Power Lines in “Woman at War”

This “Woman at War” has the potential for whimsy, I must say. A quixotic figure who is tilting, like the Don Quixote who inspired “Quixotic,” not at windmills but at power lines. Reminds me of this TV movie for the … Continue reading

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Preview, New “Aladdin” trailer has Will Smith in Blue

The first thought — and perish that thought, if you can — that popped into my head was “impressive, in a ‘Prince of Persia’ way.” But the source material here is a can’t-miss Disney musical, a cartoon classic given a … Continue reading

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Movie Review: Rebel Wilson looks for laughs in rom-com cliches in “Isn’t It Romantic”

Rebel Wilson’s niche in the cinema is an enviable one. She’s the quintessential “funnier best friend” the ultimate icing on the ensemble comedy (or musical) cake. The Aussie has made a career out of sharing the screen in “Pitch Perfect” … Continue reading

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