Daily Archives: December 13, 2013

Box Office: Are “Hobbit” fans leery, or weary? “Smaug” set to underperform

It is, by most accounts (especially mine) a superior movie to “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.” But “The Desolation of Smaug” is tracking lower, with expectations reduced for its blockbuster opening weekend. It won’t, Box Office Mojo declares, match the … Continue reading

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Movie Review: “American Hustle”

It was time of wide ties and velvet suits, jangly jewelry, open shirts, big hair and boat-sized cars. After Watergate, cynicism was everybody’s default mode. The economy was in the toilet, disco was on the radio and everybody was corrupt. … Continue reading

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Movie Review: “A Madea Christmas” is the worst Tyler Perry movie ever

Tyler Perry made his fortune by pandering to a predominantly African American audience. So a tip of the Santa hat for him trying to broaden his appeal by pandering to a white one with “A Madea Christmas,” his most integrated … Continue reading

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