Movie Review: Tesla’s memory is mocked yet again, “Final Frequency”

It’s a tribute to the professionalism of your typical movie set that all C-movies don’t face that mid-production attack of the giggles that impacts what we see on the screen.

The film has little budget. The cast has been on TV shows and films that did. And if just one or two people hit the “This is rubbish, I’m just going to have a laugh with it” phase, the giggles spread.

“Final Frequency” is a movie that lets us see that happen. At some point, even the behind-the-camera talent threw up their hands. Because this serious and seriously bad thriller about a lost notebook of scientist Nicola Tesla and his his research into frequency weapons could trigger an LA earthquake in the middle of a G-20 summits goes all goofy for some of the second and all of its third act.

Loopy LARPA (live action role player) laughs, as our “team” is assembled from gamers, cosplayers, LARPAs and a cop (Lou Ferrigno Jr.) reduced to campus security guard, all try to pitch in and rescue the kidnapped scientist played by Charles Shaughnessy, who never recovered from co-starring in “The Nanny.”

Kirby Bliss Blanton of “The Young and the Restless” is the pretty graduate assistant searching for her academic boss and concealing his Tesla notebook from villains led by the still “Seinfeld” “breathtaking” Richard Burgi.

It’s all predicated on the idea that Tesla was “100 years ahead of his time,” and this notebook, whose theories and research could be used to cancel out earthquakes, or cause them, “can’t fall into the wrong hands.”

Our grad assistant refuses the help of the smart-aleck security guard (Ferrigno Jr.) and her deafened by combat brother (Luke Guldan) until the chips are really down, and even then only a couple of campus IT nerds (Abhay Walia and an almost-amusing Nikki Soohoo) will do.

“SAVE the universe!”

The effects are mostly limited to contact lenses that let us know a character has been sonically hypnotized by these sonic mind-control guns, which Burgi’s villain urges his minions to use with extreme prejudice.

“Shoot! Shoot to KILL!” Pause. “Why aren’t these things WORKing?”

The science is gibberish, the dialogue likewise, the characters cardboard with stiff performances to match.

Aside from that, tho…

Rating: unrated, violence

Cast: Kirby Bliss Blanton, Charles Shaughnessy, Lou Ferrigno Jr., Richard Burgi, Luke Guldan, Kim Estes, Abhay Walia and Nikki Soohoo.

Credits: Directed by Tim Lowry, scripted by Penny Gibben. A Winter Star release.

Running time: 1:31

About Roger Moore

Movie Critic, formerly with McClatchy-Tribune News Service, Orlando Sentinel, published in Spin Magazine, The World and now published here, Orlando Magazine, Autoweek Magazine
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