Billy Zane as Marlon Brando? I can see it

At one point, before his health issues, Val Kilmer would’ve been the perfect choice to star in a picture like “Waltzing with Brando.” He knew the guy, is a gifted mimic, and has the same air of self-seriousness and disdain for the pose of “acting” as Mr. Method.

But Billy Zane brings a “Handsome Movie Star Gone to Seed but Still Striking to Look At” vibe to this “character,” at least in this first shot from the set.

“Waltzing With Brando” is about the Oscar winner’s “eco-experiment” living compound set up on an “uninhabitable” island in Tahiti. Late career Marlon Brando, not late life Brando.

Zane’s quixotic, keep-working-after-stardom-fades career gives him insight into the star, and going a bit barrel chested if not bloated gives him a chance to show off the last years of Brando’s sex appeal, a big part of his star power, which was driven by intensity, looks and brooding charisma.

“Tapeheads” and “My Dinner with Jimi” director and co-writer Bill Fishman isn’t a household name, so the entire affair may be cut-rate enough to never merit much of a release. But I am intrigued.

About Roger Moore

Movie Critic, formerly with McClatchy-Tribune News Service, Orlando Sentinel, published in Spin Magazine, The World and now published here, Orlando Magazine, Autoweek Magazine
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