Daily Archives: May 29, 2024

Movie Preview: The World Ends, but Entertainment lives on in Ireland, and all in one car — “Apocalypse Clown”

Dunno. Could be worse. Could be…mimes. French mimes. David Earl, Natalie Palamides, Amy De Bhrún, Fionn Foley, Tadhg Murphy, Ivan Kaye and Shane is JAMES Joyce in the End Times farce from the Emerald Isle. June 14.

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Movie Preview: “Moana 2” takes our heroine even further

A “new adventure” sends Moana deeper into the Pacific at the invitation of The Ancestors.  Looks a lot like an edge-free continuation of the first film, a few years down the road, older and wiser? November. 

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Movie Preview: Nicole K. falls for Zac E. and irks daughter Joey King — “A Family Affair”

This June 28 cougar rom com also stars Kathy Bates. King plays the daughter who works as assistant to the younger dude Mom is warming up to. Veteran screenwriter and sometime director Richard LaGravenese directs.

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Netflixable? Rocker impersonates Country Music Star and drifts from “Zero to Hero”

“Zero to Hero” is badly-botched Brazilian “role switch” comedy about a flailing and failing rocker paid to impersonate Brazil’s most famous country music singer for a national tour when the vain, egotistical and alcoholic Sandro Sanderley lapses into a coma. … Continue reading

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